
Product Testing and Analysis

Product Testing and Analysis

When it comes to making products, there’s no room for guesswork!

Product testing and analysis helps to understand the product down to its core components. From manufacturing units to economic costs, utility, services, design, and technology up to its unique selling proposition.

Through product testing and analysis Clients can understand the following about a competitor’s product. 

  • Product design
  • How the product is made
  • The products component parts.
  • The product manufacturing process
  • Costs to bring products to market.
  • Product’s utility and usefulness
  • Technology used in making the product.
  • Product marketing
  • Products Unique selling position
  • Competitive Analysis

SVI through its research engineering department engages in a wide variety of product testing and analysis projects.  Ranging from consumer, industrial, telecommunications, and security products SVI can offer detailed component analysis leading to more informed client decision making.  Product testing each individual component ensures that the finished product will meet customer expectations.

Benefits of product testing include:

  • Ensure quality and reliability in your products: If you test products rigorously before launch, you can be sure they’ll be able to stand-up to ‘real-life’ situations, and you can identify defects and correct them prior to launch.
  • Reduce overall costs: Once you’ve started to develop and test products with customers you can start to see how they work in a real-life scenario and ultimately identify how to develop products while reducing costs.
  • Understand your product’s life expectancy: It’s important to understand how long your product is likely to last before you experience problems or customers require support. Once you understand your product’s lifespan, you can identify likely maintenance stages.
  • Reduce your customer’s aftercare needs: Again, product testing allows you to understand potential problems with your products and where you might need to conduct maintenance or understand problems and fix them before launching the product. Using proper product testing you can reduce the need (and costs) of customer aftercare.

Ultimately, product testing can have several benefits, and companies should aim to test products using qualitative research, quantitative research, focus groups and technical product testers. Incorporating a comprehensive feedback cycle composed of these elements will enable clients to get the insights needed to improve product launches.